Monday, July 20, 2009

You're Love ObamaCare If ...

If you like the waiting lines at emergency and trauma rooms, then you’ll love ObamaCare

If you like HMO/PPO gatekeepers, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you believe Congress can suspend the basic laws of supply and demand, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you’re not bothered by the recent electrical and gas shortages, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you believe that we can add 42 million Americans and immigrants to the demand for medical care, while shrinking the supply of providers, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you believe that monopolies lead to economic success, efficiency, great service, innovation, and lower costs, you'll love ObamaCare

If you like the medical care at VA hospitals, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you believe that government can bring competition to a competitive, but highly regulated, health insurance industry, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you like that Medicare is running out of money, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you believe that we can lower the cost of medical care without controlling the drivers of escalating costs, then you will love ObamaCare

If you believe that squeezing doctors, hospitals, and pharma will improve the quality of medical care, you will love ObamaCare

If you’re not bothered by the increasing shortage in primary care providers, general surgeons, and other specialties, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you don't like medical savings accounts, then ObamaCare is for you

If you like the increasing lack of competition in vaccines, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you don’t want health care innovations and new pharmaceuticals, then you’ll love ObamaCare

If you like the rationing for organ transplants, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you believe trial lawyers should continue to drive up the cost of health care, then you’ll love ObamaCare

If you like the rampant fraud in Medicaid, you'll love ObamaCare

If you like the nationalized health care in Canada and England, you will love ObamaCare

If you ignore Tennessee’s failure a few years ago with universal health care, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you ignore Hawaii's failed seven month experiment with universal health care for children, you'll love ObamaCare

If you ignore Massachusetts’ unfolding failure with universal health care, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you ignore why a willing governor and a willing legislature pulled the plug last year on a proposed universal health care bill in California, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you don’t want to curb the mandates which substantially raise the cost of health insurance, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you believe that substantial cost savings can be achieved through limiting care to the elderly and terminally ill, then you’ll love ObamaCare

If you agree with Governor Dick Lamm that "We've got a duty to die and get out of the way with all of our machines and artificial hearts and evrything else like that and let the other society, our kids, build a reasonable life," you'll love ObamaCare

If you love Kafka and bureaucracy, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you don’t believe in freedom of choice, you’ll love ObamaCare

If you believe in the Tooth Fairy, you deserve ObamaCare

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